How to Last Longer in Bed – The Ultimate Guide
Simple, Effective Tools and Techniques to Help You Last Longer in Bed Do you want to last longer in bed? Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not as hard as you think! There are a few true and tested ways to help you last longer. I’ve personally tested countless products, exercises and the like […]

Peineili Spray Review: My Personal Experience
Peineili Delay comes from China and uses herbal extracts, claiming that you’ll last much longer with no numbness. It didn’t do anything for me. But it might move the needle for you. Check Peineili Spray’s best price at Amazon here.
Marijuana and Premature Ejaculation
Sex is just flat-out better when high. It is for me. It is for Andrea. Also for my friends who consume cannabis. But you’re not reading this blog to learn about that. You’re here to learn about premature ejaculation.
Promescent vs. KY Duration – Which is Better?
Promescent works better for me. And based on all my research and feedback from readers of my blog
Priligy – Dapoxetine USA Review & FDA Approved 2019?
Priligy (Dapoxetine) Review & FDA Approved 2019? If you Google: Buy Priligy USA or Buy Priligy Online (from the USA), you will find many “pharmacies” selling Priligy and Dapoxetine USA online. Is it legal to buy Dapoxetine online without a prescription in the USA?
My List of Foods to Treat Premature Ejaculation
Do foods to treat premature ejaculation exist? And what are they? After years of research, I’ve come up with a list of foods that have helped me!
myHixel Review : Just What is This Thing?
In this myHexil review, I try and answer, just what is this thing? And is it as good as everyone says it is?
VitaFLUX Review : What I did Wrong
In this VitaFLUX review, I’ll go over some pros and possible cons of one of Promescent’s top products. Is it as good as everyone says?
The Orgasm Gap is Ruining Your Relationship
If you have premature ejaculation chances are you have never heard of the orgasm gap – and how it just might ruin your relationship.
Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation: What Really Works
A deep-dive into home remedies for premature ejaculation that actually work! I go over some of the easiest ways you can cure premature ejaculation at home.
Supplements for Premature Ejaculation
If you are suffering from premature ejaculation, you want to solve the problem right away so you can last longer in bed. You know you are not satisfying your partner. You know you aren’t getting all the pleasure out of sex that you could be getting. Whether or not it’s a problem you’ve always experienced […]
Promescent Female Arousal Gel
As a guy, your main goal is to make sure your woman more pleasure during sex. It’s an amazing feeling to see a girl cum and know that it was because of you. That makes you feel like a sex god. There are a lot of things you can do to help make that happen. […]
How To Hold Back Ejaculation?
How To Hold Back Ejaculation If you are suffering from premature ejaculation you want to make it a thing of the past. You want to hold back your ejaculation. But how can you do it? After all, they don’t teach holding back in sex ed in high school. Your body’s natural reaction is simply to […]
How To Last Longer In Bed As A Guy
There are lots of reasons why men want to last longer in bed. Sometimes, it could be to ensure your partner’s pleasure is the focus, and that can take time. Other times you want to prolong pleasure for yourself – when it’s just that good, you don’t want it to end. While there is no […]
Spice Up Your Sex Life
No matter how much sex you have, it can end up boring. Yes, I said it. Sex is not always great. It’s easy to get into a rut when just one person is your sexual partner. With long term relationships you can end up doing it the same way every time. There’s no more sexual […]