My Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms Review… Read Before You Buy
In this Trojan Extended Pleasure review, I go over the popular condom company Trojan who came out with Climax Control Condoms about four years ago. I wanted to try them and share my honest opinion.
This type of condom is geared for helping with premature ejaculation, a common problem for guys like me.
If you’re a guy with PE, you know how frustrating sexual performance can be.
Men with untreated PE typically last in bed for only a few short minutes, while their female partners can keep going for three times longer than that. What gives?
If that sounds like an unfair deck of cards handed to you, there’s good news. Fortunately, there are many products you can try to help keep your PE at bay.
The question is, which ones are the best? Read on while I go over my experience and review of Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms and what happened when I used them for me and my wife.

Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms: A Different Way to Control PE
Who hasn’t heard of Trojan? They’re available almost everywhere. After all, they are the leading condom brand sold in America.
No doubt you’ve seen a Trojan box before in some shape or form at your grocery store, Walmart, or even a gas station. They have great marketing appeal, and they’re cheap.
Trojan released a condom with PE control back in 2016, and they seem to do pretty good for a lot of people. The active ingredient is benzocaine, a common analgesic targeted to calm overexcited nerves.
It’s in a fair amount of brand products, including Roman Swipes and MintRX Wipes, and it’s pretty reliable.
If you’ve read my other posts before, you’d know by now how I’m not head-over-heels when it comes to the idea of condoms. That said, there is a time and place for them.
Guys who have a very active sex life and haven’t settled down yet should definitely use condoms if they don’t want the risk of pregnancy.
Even more importantly, a condom is recommended to lessen the risk of sexually transmitted infection for you and your partner. And there are some serious STIs out there you don’t want to encounter.
Nowadays I don’t have to worry about that as much since it’s just me and my wife Andrea. (Well to be frank, it better be just us two, right?)
By now, I know my body well enough that we have the family planning thing down to a science. (No, I’m not going to tell you if we’re planning for a mini Peter at the moment! I’ll leave it as a surprise for now.)
But since these Trojan condoms have PE control medicine, curiosity got the best of me. I just had to give them a try.

My Experience with Trojan Extended Pleasure
As you might have guessed, it wasn’t too hard for me to find Trojan’s Climax Control Condoms. I picked them up at my local grocery store, and off I went.
I talked about them with my wife, of course.
She was a little surprised I picked up a Trojan. I can always tell she’s surprised when she raises her eyebrows a certain way.
When I caught a smile in the corner of her face, I could tell she was secretly happy. And just a simple, cheap Trojan condom.
Who would have guessed?
That night we gave it a shot. I put it on myself first, not knowing what to expect out of it.
It worked out pretty good in the beginning. The lubricant seemed a bit much for my taste, but it did have the numbing effect I would expect from benzocaine.
Maybe it wasn’t quite as strong as some reviews have reported, but it leaned a tad on the strong side for me. It did indeed help me last longer than without any treatment, I’d say it was roughly 20 minutes.
Andrea, however, was incredibly happy. She seemed to benefit from the condom more than I did! So I did something in this review that I haven’t done for any other product yet – I gave the condoms another test run.
Night #2: I applied the condom by myself again in the off chance the solution would leak. This time, I had the opposite problem… the condom was too dry! There barely seemed to be anything in it at all, though I found that hard to believe. Besides, I didn’t want to overdose by accident. I decided to move forward anyway.
I quickly forgot about the dry feeling. All was well in the world. I was having a great time with Andrea like before.
We really got into it! But then, after 15 minutes or so, something didn’t feel right.
I asked Andrea if she felt it, too.
Sure enough, she did, and we stopped to a big surprise. The condom broke open! Mortified, I immediately removed it and we flushed ourselves in case we had any broken pieces stuck inside.
Thankfully, we didn’t. But it certainly gave us a good scare. I don’t think Andrea will wish for climax control condoms again.
Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms Review: Pros and Cons
These condoms are pretty decent, when they work right. And when they don’t, it’s kind of a pain.
- Good product if you prefer the protection of a condom.
- Can be used in tandem with Trojan’s Her Pleasure products.
- Provides a pleasant experience for her.
- Might be too strong of a solution for some guys.
- Not recommended for couples who want a family.
- Definitely not good for guys with latex or benzocaine allergies.
- It can break on you!
How Does Promescent Delay Spray Compare to a Condom?
Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms aren’t bad in the line of what they do. But when all is said and done, they’re just that – a condom.
In other words, it does exactly what you can expect a condom would do. It’s decent, it’s simply not the best top-of-the-line condom out there. I would say it’s a medium grade level.
On the other hand, Promescent delay spray is a whole different animal. I’m glad for it, too. Because unlike a condom, I can control the strength I want when I want it.
No need to break the mood with a condom or setting the stage to put one on.
Just apply a quick spray or two, and you’re good to go.
Don’t forget to wait for it to dry, though. You may have to get used to the timing. But really, ten minutes isn’t hard to carve out when you’re busy spending time with your soulmate.
It’s certainly worth your peace not having to think of broken condoms all the time.
My Experience with Applying Promescent
Another major difference with Promescent is its main active ingredient. Promescent favors lidocaine over benzocaine to calm the overstimulated nerves in the penis.
I believe that the lidocaine formula in Promescent is milder than most of the benzocaine products I’ve tried.
Is it just me, or does benzocaine tend to overkill?
I don’t run into that problem with Promescent. The package directions say you can use up to ten sprays, but most of the time one spray is just right for me.
If you feel like you need a little more support, you can certainly apply more. That’s the beauty with Promescent – you’re in control of the dosage.
You can certainly give more pleasure to your partner after following the package directions.
Don’t worry about transferring the delay effects over – the patented formula is specifically designed for that. When dried, there is a very low chance Promescent can transfer.
That means no problems with my wife or my fingers going numb. It hasn’t transferred on me yet!
Promescent Pros and Cons
Here’s why I prefer Promescent over a condom any day.
- You don’t have to fuss with condoms.
- No latex means no latex allergies.
- You can control the strength you want.
- No worries about breakage!
- No products for “her” available… oh wait! Yes there is.
- It’s a little more expensive but can save on the bigger bottle.
- It’s not a condom.
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Fewer things are more rewarding than the two of you seeking ways to strengthen your relationship together through bonding and intimacy. It is my hope that this information helps you.